"The Partner" on CNBC is a captivating reality television series that offers aspiring entrepreneurs a chance to compete for the opportunity of a lifetime. Hosted by entrepreneur and investor Marcus Lemonis, the show follows a group of ambitious contestants as they vie for the chance to become Lemonis's business partner. Through a series of challenges, tasks, and business simulations, contestants are tested on their leadership skills, business acumen, and ability to thrive in high-pressure situations. With Lemonis's expert guidance and tough critique, contestants are pushed to their limits as they strive to prove themselves worthy of the coveted partnership.
Through its blend of drama, competition, and valuable mentorship, "The Partner" provides viewers with a unique and insightful look into the world of entrepreneurship and business leadership. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or simply enjoy watching the journey of ambitious individuals pursuing their dreams, "The Partner" offers engaging entertainment and valuable lessons that resonate long after the final episode
Through its blend of drama, competition, and valuable mentorship, "The Partner" provides viewers with a unique and insightful look into the world of entrepreneurship and business leadership. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or simply enjoy watching the journey of ambitious individuals pursuing their dreams, "The Partner" offers engaging entertainment and valuable lessons that resonate long after the final episode
Creative Director: Thomas Kurniady
Art Director and Motion Graphics: Kyle Thorson
Motion Graphics Animator: John van Barneveld
Art Director and Motion Graphics: Kyle Thorson
Motion Graphics Animator: John van Barneveld