"Paranormal Action Squad" on YouTube Red is an animated comedy series that brings together three unconventional heroes on a mission to combat supernatural forces.
Created by popular YouTube personalities SeaNanners, MrSark, and VanossGaming, the show follows the hilarious misadventures of this unlikely trio as they navigate through a world filled with ghosts, ghouls, and other paranormal phenomena. With its unique blend of humor, action, and supernatural elements, "Paranormal Action Squad" offers viewers a comedic and entertaining escape into the bizarre and otherworldly.
Whether you're a fan of animation, comedy, or all things paranormal, this series promises a fun and enjoyable viewing experience that will keep you laughing from start to finish.
Created by popular YouTube personalities SeaNanners, MrSark, and VanossGaming, the show follows the hilarious misadventures of this unlikely trio as they navigate through a world filled with ghosts, ghouls, and other paranormal phenomena. With its unique blend of humor, action, and supernatural elements, "Paranormal Action Squad" offers viewers a comedic and entertaining escape into the bizarre and otherworldly.
Whether you're a fan of animation, comedy, or all things paranormal, this series promises a fun and enjoyable viewing experience that will keep you laughing from start to finish.
Creative Director: Thomas Kurniady
Motion Graphics Animators: Edward Rodriguez and Kyle Thorsen
Motion Graphics Animators: Edward Rodriguez and Kyle Thorsen