"Hyperlinked" on YouTube Red presents a captivating and empowering series that follows the journey of five friends as they navigate the world of technology and entrepreneurship. Inspired by the true story of the girl group "L2M," the show follows the adventures of the girls as they create a website for girls by girls, aiming to empower and inspire their peers.
Through their experiences, viewers are immersed in themes of friendship, creativity, and female empowerment, as the girls overcome challenges and celebrate successes together. With its relatable characters, positive messages, and engaging storytelling, "Hyperlinked" offers a refreshing and inspiring viewing experience that resonates with audiences of all ages.
Whether you're passionate about technology, entrepreneurship, or simply enjoy a heartwarming story, "Hyperlinked" on YouTube Red promises to uplift and inspire with its celebration of friendship, girl power, and the limitless possibilities of the digital age.
Through their experiences, viewers are immersed in themes of friendship, creativity, and female empowerment, as the girls overcome challenges and celebrate successes together. With its relatable characters, positive messages, and engaging storytelling, "Hyperlinked" offers a refreshing and inspiring viewing experience that resonates with audiences of all ages.
Whether you're passionate about technology, entrepreneurship, or simply enjoy a heartwarming story, "Hyperlinked" on YouTube Red promises to uplift and inspire with its celebration of friendship, girl power, and the limitless possibilities of the digital age.
Creative Director: Thomas Kurniady
Motion Graphics Animators: Edward Rodriguez and John van Barneveld
Motion Graphics Animators: Edward Rodriguez and John van Barneveld