"Squad Wars" on YouTube Red is an adrenaline-fueled competition series that brings together popular YouTube creators to battle it out in a series of epic challenges. Hosted by the charismatic Jesse Wellens, the show showcases the competitive spirit and camaraderie of the YouTube community as teams face off in intense physical and mental challenges. With thrilling showdowns, unexpected twists, and plenty of laughs, each episode promises non-stop excitement and entertainment.
Through its high-energy format, engaging challenges, and dynamic cast of characters, "Squad Wars" offers viewers an entertaining and action-packed viewing experience. Whether you're a fan of intense competitions or just enjoy watching your favorite creators in action, "Squad Wars" delivers thrilling entertainment for audiences of all ages.
Through its high-energy format, engaging challenges, and dynamic cast of characters, "Squad Wars" offers viewers an entertaining and action-packed viewing experience. Whether you're a fan of intense competitions or just enjoy watching your favorite creators in action, "Squad Wars" delivers thrilling entertainment for audiences of all ages.
Creative Director: Thomas Kurniady
Motion Graphics Animator: Edward Rodriguez
Motion Graphics Animator: Edward Rodriguez