The Formula One World Championship includes the Las Vegas Grand Prix, an exciting motor racing event situated in Paradise, Nevada, United States. This night race unfolds on a temporary street circuit, incorporating sections of the iconic Las Vegas Strip. The inaugural race, held on November 18, 2023, marked a historic return for Formula One to Las Vegas, the first since the 1982 Caesars Palace Grand Prix and the initial street race since the 2007 Vegas Grand Prix Champ Car.
Taking place on a new street track around the Las Vegas Strip, the event became the third Grand Prix in the United States on the 2023 calendar, alongside the Miami and the United States Grands Prix. Notably, it was the first instance since 1982 that three Formula One races occurred in the United States within a single season.
Formula One and Las Vegas have solidified their commitment to this thrilling race by signing a ten-year agreement, indicating the intention for the event to be a perpetual fixture on the Formula One calendar.
Creative Director: Thomas Kurniady
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